


Kingdom Structures 5

As sons of God, we’re called to positions of government in our Father’s kingdom. To each position, there’s a chief prince — a leader. These chief princes are the seven angels of Revelation 15 and are known as the seven thunders. Check out these videos to learn more about them and download your free copy of Lemuel’s book “Sonship in the Kingdom of God” at houseofscrolls.com to delve deeper into the topic.

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Kingdom Structures 4

Revelation 5 tells us that the four living creatures were redeemed by Christ. The question is, how could Christ have redeemed them if they were not humans? The answer — He couldn’t have. The only way that the four living creatures could’ve been redeemed is if they were humans, just like you and I. In this video, I go into details about the identities of these mysterious beings, how they became the four living creatures and how this revelation sheds light on our eternal position as sons of God. You’ll definitely want to take notes on this one!

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Kingdom Structures 3

There’s been a number of different theories about the identity of the 24 Elders (Rev 4:4). Who are they? Why do they sit on thrones around the Most High God? How did they even get there? Some have called these elders “celestial beings.” Other have referred to them as “laws.” Well, before you watch this video, shelf everything you know about them for the next few minutes. In part three of our kingdom Structures series, we’ll uncover the true identities of ALL of the 24 elders and how their existence directly correlates to our position in Christ as sons of God.

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Kingdom Structures 2

In part 2 of our series on Kingdom Structures, Lemuel discusses the imperial-level hierarchical structure of our Father’s empire. This video provides a brief overview of topics that we’ll cover in this series ranging from the 24 Elders, the 7 Spirits of God, the 4 living creatures, and more. Stay tuned.

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Kingdom Structures 1

In a monarchy, every prince has to learn about their father’s empire in order to properly inherit the kingdom. Otherwise, he won’t be able to rule and reign accordingly. We’re no different. As believers, it’s imperative that we understand the ins-and-outs of our Father’s government if we want to partner with Him on Earth. In part 1 of this series on Kingdom Structures, Lemuel discusses the kingdom-level hierarchy and structure within our Father’s empire — systems, kingdom offices, and more! If you want to dive deeper into the kingdom offices, join our free FB group, Sonship Academy: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonshipacademy

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